Ignite Presentation Learner Response


good concept 

  • values and ideologies 
  • subverting stereotypes 

good use of images 

magazine covered

media language covered 

  • editing
  • mise - en- scene
  • use of close ups 

covered representation + concept 

good vocal expression

target audience 

  • Blumber and Katz
  • Staurt Hall 
good blog work 
  • concept 
  • statement of intent 
Research include videos
highlight key words
include themes in presentation 
audience female ?
add more theorist in representation 

Www: Therefore, I would say I had a lot of good information in my presentation but it was a bit too much as sometimes I was running over time. The way I presented was confident and I had a good delivery. I used a reasonable amount of media language and talked about 2 theories.

EBI: I had needed to do my more research on representations , shorten my information into bullet points and also find one more location place for my music video. 

My presentation will lead to my actual coursework production and i think overall i need to change m location places as they were quite basic for example add in regent park as my second location to get a sense of feel I have also added my media representations theorist which helps me understand more about the blog.


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