Sound Analysis Task

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 1) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film:

This clip uses a variety of  diegetic and non-diegetic sound.
For example, with diegetic sound examples are the dialogue, sound effects and voice-over. 
The sound effects have been used for example Foley has been used a lot in this clip to emphasise the sound and to enhance it. With dialogue, the characters are speaking and interacting with each other which is part of the story world. A voiceover has been added and normally this would be non-diegetic however the characters can hear it therefore it is diegetic. However, a non- diegetic element in this clip is the music as the characters cannot hear it and it has been added post production.  

Parallel and Contrapuntal sound:

Final scene of Dr Strangelove

Near the end of this clip, Dr Strangelove stands up saying the words "we must be incredibly alert" second before chaos. The  cut scene towards a mixture of explosive scenes imitates contrapuntal sound as the closing music is a slow beat happy music that contrasts the horrific events of a nuclear bomb. This is also clearly scene through the lyrics where the women sings the words 'sunny days' as the bright explosion mimics the sun. It could also be said that a sound bridge is added where Dr Stranglove voice echoes and quiets down to a volume which it could transition towards the song as if he is singing it. These scenes are in combination with the footage of the sprouting mushroom cloud explosion to exaggerates how death has become a desire for soldiers as it is the only alternative to peace at war.


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