Postcolonial theory: blog tasks
Postcolonial theory: blog tasks Wider reading on race and Old Town Road Read this W Magazine deep dive on the Yeehaw agenda and answer the following questions: 1) What are the visual cues the article lists as linked to the western genre? Cowboy hats, cow prints, rhinestones, and fringed suede jackets. 2) How did the Yeehaw agenda come about? In September 2018, the trend of black pop-culture figures wearing cowboy garb was dubbed the “Yeehaw Agenda” by Bri Malandro, a Texas-based pop-culture archivist. 3) Why has it been suggested that the black cowboy has been 'erased from American culture'? In September 2018, the trend of black pop-culture figures wearing cowboy garb was dubbed the “Yeehaw Agenda” by Bri Malandro, a Texas-based pop-culture archivist. 4) How has the black cowboy aesthetic been reflected by the fashion industry? "An organisation of black community leader in California called Compton Cowboys h...